Explore the Cosmos

Saturn 2024

Saturn with AD8, ASI 462

Saturn taken on 9/1/24 with 8″ Dobsonian Newtonian Reflector and ASI 462.  Just 10 seconds stacked. Processed with PIPP, AutoStakkert and RegiStax.

Saturn with DSLR

DSLR single exposure: ISO 2500 at 1/8 sec. Taken in 2020.

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction

The fateful meeting took place 12/21/2020.  Taken with a Canon 60D and Celestron NexStar 5se.

Northern Lights and Solar Maximum

11-3-24 Lunt 40mm with 533mm and 2x barlow| Full disc

Taken on 8/24/24 with DayStar Quark and AT60ED.

8/24/24 with Daystar Quark and At60ED

8/24 DayStar Quark and AT60ED

5-13 Lunt 40mm | AR  3664 prominence

5-11 – shot with Daystar Quark

10-12-24 Lunt 40mm | Full disc

5-11 – shot with Daystar Quark

Total Solar Eclipse 2024

Three Minutes and 45 Seconds of Totality

 Wide angle captured with a 28mm lens and full-framed DSLR. Telephoto images below captured with AT60ED (360mm at f/5.9).

Partial phase begins through the clouds

Prominences on display

Corona puts on a dazzling show

Watch a video of my viewing party going crazy during totality

Monochrome video taken of sun with Coronado PST



Galaxies and Star Clusters

Whirlpool Galaxy M51

Integration time of 32 minutes comprised of 2 min LRGB subexposures and 20 min of H-alpha with calibration frames. Data captured on 5/12/2023.  First attempt at monochrome imaging with filter wheel. Captured with Skywatcher 80ED and processed with Pixinsight.

Bodes and Cigar M81 and M82

Integration time of 52 minutes comprised of 2 min subexposures with calibration frames. Data captured on 4/13/2023.  Second attempt, this time with an autofocuser and processed in Pixinsight.

Leo Triplet (M66 Group)

 This image reflects a total integration time of 1 hour and 24 minutes with 2 minute subexposures and calibration frames. Meridian flip performed approximately one hour into integration.  Shot with OSC. Stacked and processed in Pixinsight. Captured 4/15/2023.

Stephan's Quintet

Integration time of 50 minutes comprised of 5 min subexposures with calibration frames. Data captured on 10/29/2022.  The group of galaxies have a starring role as “Clarence,” and other angels, in “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The quintet is over 300 milion light years away.

Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

 This image reflects a total integration time of 60 minutes with 24 frames of 2.5 minute subexposures and 12 dark calibration frames using a cooled camera and Optolong L-Pro filter. Gain was set at 100. 

Triangulum Galaxy

This image reflects a total integration time of 45 minutes with 15 frames of 3 minute subexposures and 15 dark and flat calibration frames. Image captured on October 29, 2022.

Bodes and Cigar Galaxies

First time photographing the Bodes and Cigar galaxies near the Big Dipper. Integration time of 40 minutes comprised of 2 min subexposures with calibration frames. Data captured on 6/3/2021.


Heart and Soul Nebulae

Total integration time: 58 minutes, 29 X 120s. (calibration frames: 20 darks, 20 flats, 20 dark flats). Captured on February 24, 2024.

North America Nebula

Total integration time: 40 minutes, 20 X 120s. (calibration frames: 20 darks, 20 flats, 20 dark flats). Captured on June 17, 2023.

Veil Nebula

Total integration time: 40 minutes, 20 X 120s. (calibration frames: 20 darks, 20 flats, 20 dark flats). Captured on June 17, 2023.

Bubble Nebula

Total integration time: 90 minutes, 6 X 300s of SHO. (no calibration) Captured on May 12, 2023.

Eagle Nebula in SHO

Total integration time: 45 minutes, 3 X 300s of SHO. Captured on July 19 2023.

Horsehead Nebula

Total integration time: 90 minutes, 30 X 180s. (calibration frames: 20 darks, 20 flats, 20 dark flats). Captured on January 15, 2023.

Orion Nebula

Integration time of 30 minutes comprised of 2 min subexposures with dark and flat calibration frames. Data captured on January 15, 2023.

Eye of God - Helix Nebula

Integration time of 45 minutes comprised of 3  min subexposures with dark and flat calibration frames. Data captured on November 3, 2022.

M16 - Eagle Nebula / Pillars of Creation

After a half dozen attempts, I finally captured a successful image of the Eagle Nebula from my Bortle 6 backyard. Image information: M16  captured with Skywatcher 80ED, HEQ 5 mount, .85 focal reducer, L-extreme filter, and 533MC. Total integration time: 54 minutes, 18 X 180s. (calibration frames: 15 darks, 15 flats, 15 dark flats). Captured on 7/30/22.

Eagle Nebula / Pillars of Creation

First time photographing the Eagle Nebula/Pillars of Creation. Integration time of 30 minutes comprised of 10 min subexposures with dark calibration frames. Data captured on 9/1/2021.

Comets and Planets

Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)

Image reflects a total integration time of 30 minutes with 60 frames of 30 second subexposures and calibration frames. Captured February 11, 2023.


DSLR Single exposure: ISO 6400 at 1/30 sec.


DSLR single exposure: ISO 2500 at 1/8 sec.

Jupiter Saturn Conjunction

The fateful meeting took place 12/21/2020.  Taken with a Canon 60D and Celestron NexStar 5se.

Orion, Andromeda, Moon

Orion Nebula

First time photographing the Orion nebula. Stacked photo of 10 subexposures at 30 sec with DSLR.


First attempt at the Andromeda Galaxy using a DSLR, non-tracked.

Halloween Moon

Taken on Halloween Night in 2020.



Comet Neowise from my backyard.


Clouds swept through as Neowise cut through the center.

Milky Way

Late August 2020.  Milky Way cuts through the southern sky in my backyard.

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